Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today is Kari's First Birthday. Happy Birthday Karis Joy! Reality is, it's not that happy of a time for Kari. Poor little thing. Everything she's known for the past year has changed. The foster mother she has known for the past year is missing. Two strangers have replaced her and they don't speak the same language (though we do try, even our baby talk in Chinese is pretty minimal). Being one, she understands probably much more than we giver her credit for. We've seen a few smiles, but they are few and far between. We look forward to the day when we can know her true personality, one that's not in mourning. She sleeps a lot. Guess that's her way of dealing with things. Problem is she wakes up, and we're still here - we're not going anywhere Kari. Her most comfortable place is snuggled up to dad's shoulder. Mom's shoulder is not too bad either, but dad's has more padding. She doesn't want to eat or drink much either. Who would feel like eating, being in her situation? The most we can do is try to distract her (walking around the restaurant) and try to stuff a bite in here or there. Please continue to pray for Kari's transition. We love her like crazy, it just may take some time for her to love us back :).


Unknown said...

I guess I never really thought about life from her perspective. It's really humbling to think that it isn't such a joyous celebration on her part, at least for now. I'll pray that she learns to trust you and love you.

Future of Forestry said...

We've been reading your blogs and have been so touched by the story of love and pursuit that you are sharing with us. We are with you and can't wait to love on Karis too.

Uncle Eric and Aunty Tamara

e said...

poor thing! i know in time she will love you guys crazy back and would not be able to think life without you guys. will be praying!

Lingles said...

Happy Birthday, Karis! We are so grateful a foster family was able to care for Karis the first year of her life. We pray for God to work in His perfect way to bless the foster family, the Chaus, and Karis in this time of transition. May the safety and comfort found resting on Daddy's shoulder be multiplies one thousand times over!